Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fixing BizTalk ENTSSO Failure on Windows Vista

I've been running BizTalk 2009 on my Windows Vista laptop, and suddenly today the Enterprise Single Sign-On Service stopped working. When I tried to start it manually, I got this error in the event log:

Could not create SSOSQL. To fix the problem, reinstall SSO or try 'regasm SSOSQL.dll' from a Visual Studio command prompt.
Error Code: 0x80131700

It turns out this error told me everything I needed to know -- except the location of SSOSQL.dll. Took me a little digging, but I found it here:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On\SSOSQL.dll

So, navigating to that folder in the Visual Studio Commmand prompt and running 'regasm SSOSQL.dll' fixed it right up.

The only lingering mystery is why the DLL got unregistered in the first place. I'm suspicious of Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1, which I installed yesterday. But I've got no proof of that.

(And yes, I do install a lot of goodies on my laptop.)


Pradeep said...

Thanks a lot!!! This helped me..

Unknown said...

I had the exact same problem when I installed VS 2010...

Unknown said...

Thanks!! That also happened to me just after installing VS 2010 Beta 1

Unknown said...

I have the same problem but it doesn't help using regasm... any clues?
I run win2008server 64-bit with vs2010 beta 1..

IronicMuffin said...

Same thing here...must be VS2010.

Giuseppe Dimauro said...

Hi, on 64 bit machines (windows 7, Vista, W2008 etc) you need to call regasm.exe utility explicitly from this folder:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe ...

Giuseppe Dimauro
Microsoft MSDN Regional Director, Italy

GP said...

Yeah, culprit is VS2010.

Thanks a lot friend! You saved my time.

GP said...

On 64 bit machines, we need to run regasm on ssosql from both 32 bit and 64 bit Visual Studio command prompts.


Daniel said...

same problem here, and also installed vs2010

Nisha said...

Yeah.. it guess it was the Vs2010 installation that did it. I faced the same problem :) vs 2010 Beta 2.
It unregistered the dll for some reason...!!
Thanks dude for the help!

Gary Miner said...

vista 64 bit and installed 2010 team explorer. Then found this problem while trying to do a local biztalk deployment. Thank you guys for this fix!

Tomasz said...

Thanks, you saved half a day of investigation! .Net 4 RC installation was the cause in my case.

Unknown said...

You my friend, are a saviour! I have a Biztalk demo should have started 5 minutes ago and was losing hair because of this problem but your post has saved me at the 11th hour!

MishkaZ said...

Hi! Thank yuo very much! I spent about two hours to solve this problem before reading your post!

Nacho said...

Thank you very much!
I installed VS 2010 RC a couple of days ago.

Billiard Q Ball said...

This did the trick, the only variation on the theme was that I installed VS2010 prior to BizTalk.

Unknown said...

Same problem on Windows 7 64-bit. I also had to run 32-bit and 64-bit regasm.exe to get it fixed:

"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On\SSOSQL.dll"

"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm.exe" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On\SSOSQL.dll"

Daniel Berg said...

Thanks Mr. Glorious Monster! Great work!

I made a blog post for 64-bit OS on my blog here

Unknown said...

Brilliant. Worked perfectly. If only there were a way for Microsoft to determine which platform setup is running on and register both 32 and 64 dlls during installation. I guess I'm asking too much for a $20,000 product.

Thanks again!

Innokentiy Ivanov said...

Richard -- thank you very much.

Just a few details:
1) Windows 7 x64,
2) The problem was caused by .NET 4 installation (no VS2010 was installed),
3) Both 32- and 64-bit regasms must have been called to resolve the issue.

David A Toon said...
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David A Toon said...

I think it's something to do with .Net 4.0. My development server doesn't have VS2010 installed.

Unknown said...

If automatic updates are enabled on your machine, then this can happen anytime. This happened to me. Because of automatic updates enabled in my QA environment, one fine morning we found every thing stopped. Even fail over cluster failed because same updates happened in fail over node as well. While starting the host instances, it could not start because of sso service was stopped. Looking in event viewer we got the suggestion to re register the SSOSql dll.

Unknown said...

Confirmed. I've had the same problem and all I installed was .Net Framework 4.0

Leonid Ganeline said...

TIme saver! Thank you very much!

Rajesh Babu said...

I observed same issue when I upgraded from BT 2006 R2 to BT 2009. Although eventlog message displays hint to run regsm SSLSQL.dll, I was not sure where to locate this file. Ultimately found the location through this blog faster than search my file sytem. Thanks for the post.